Shift to a semi–dedicated hosting solution with just a mouse–click at a great price. Control your web server with an uncomplicated Control Panel interface. Have infinite domains and databases. Make use of up to 2 CPU cores. A 99.9% server uptime is assured. There won’t be any configuration fees at all.
TurboFast Package
Unlimited Disk Space Unlimited Monthly Traffic Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 2 CPU Core(s) Unlimited MySQL Storage Unlimited E-mail Accounts Unlimited MySQL Databases 1 IP Address - » All features
.ACADEMY only $40.99/yr VPN Access (5 GB) Website Accelerators App Installer Shared SSL IPs ModSecurity Dropbox Backup Daily Backups Site Installer
We're Different
TurboFast hosting at
$30.00/mo.Check out our web hosting services with a 30-day free trial period. No payment required.
Free Dedicated IP
Completely free dedicated IP address for your machine
A free-of-cost dedicated IP address is included as an extra feature with the Semi-dedicated 2 plan. You’re able to utilize it to set up your own name servers that will point to your own IP address or even to quickly install an SSL certificate for your website.
You can take advantage of the dedicated IP address as soon as you access your Web Control Panel. Furthermore, you are able to get other IPs through your Web Control Panel. We have tried our utmost to give you the right rates in the marketplace.
SSH Access
No charge SSH access for your machine
With the Semi-dedicated 2 bundle you will get SSH access to the server, included 100 % free. In this way, you’ll be able to instantly access the server’s terminal and interact straight with the web server, without having to use the Web Control Panel.
As a result of the specific nature of our semi-dedicated hosting plans, the SSH access won’t include root privileges. You will be able to interact with your files, databases, email and every little thing associated with your websites, however, you won’t be able to modify the server’s configuration.
24x7 Support
Get in touch with us day–and–night
You can write to us 24x7 with any problems that you may possibly have as related to our Linux semi-dedicated servers. You can e–mail us via email and by the ticket platform and we are going to reply back to you in as much as an hour. In reality, our typical reply period is as low as 20 min. On business days, you can give us a call or use the real–time chat program on our store.
A Website Installer
Launch your new website with a click
Setting up a brand new website could be really hard and very expensive. But we, at WNS Hosting, have performed all of the painful job for you – you can now create your website by making use of a turn–key layout pattern with just a click. It is incredibly simple – simply pick the type of your brand new site – small business or personal, and choose a style which you like. We will cope with all the rest and will send you the account details, to make sure you can kick off working with your site promptly.
Scripting Support
PHP, Perl, Python, MySQL and PgSQL fully supported
Create a PHP–driven website. Create a Python web app. Use the performance of more than 3000 Perl components. Store your records in PgSQL or MySQL data bases. Make InnoDB tables. Make use of remote control MySQL interactions. You could do all the last–mentioned and way more with any of the Linux semi-dedicated servers that we are offering. There aren’t any supplementary fees – it is all totally provided in your offer right away.
Fully featured and adaptable offers for your powerful sites
Our Linux semi-dedicated servers allow for a lot faster site launching data transfer rates and an improved scalability. The server stress is distributed evenly between various servers rather than just a single one, so you’ll never be disturbed by loading difficulties and routine repairs and maintenance actions. Every semi–dedicated server boasts an easy–to–use Web Apps accessible in around ten different languages and with a 1–click Apps Installer, by which you may easily organize personal blogs, local community sites, photo albums, and many others.
Enhanced Service Stability and Security
Don’t be bothered about any of your sites with our semi-dedicated servers
We have constructed our Linux semi-dedicated servers with stability of functionality and protection of site content material in mind. Because the server strain is smoothly distributed among a number of physical devices, your sites will go on streaming fast even if the server is under stress. This furthermore signifies that the hosting area is much less in danger of hack and denial–of–service attacks.
Web App Installer
A rapid installation of weblogs, photo galleries, etcetera.
With the help of the 1–click Web Apps integrated into the Web Apps, you can easily get your very own fully operational Internet site online within a few moments. With a mouse–click, your blog page, message board, photo collection or online store will be developed and will be geared up for use. Decide on your web application, send in some specifics pertaining to the completely new site and hit the Install key. We will execute the rest for you! More than forty web applications are available for you to decide on.
VPN Access
Surf the web unnoticeably from just about any device
If, for some reason, you need to hide your digital route, we have the ideal remedy for you. With each of our Linux semi-dedicated servers, you can easily get VPN admittance and have your inbound and outgoing traffic routed by one of our VPN data centers. And you can easily make use of identical VPN adjustments on any machine that’s connected online – your personal computer, your notebook computer, your mobile phone, etcetera.
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Service guarantees
- Absolutely no setup charges in addition to a 99.9% uptime guarantee with each semi–dedicated machine. Free Control Panel with unmetered hosted domains.
Compare our prices
- Have a look at our rates and select the ideal semi–dedicated server for your thriving web sites. Advance to a more advanced server set–up with just a mouse click.
- Compare Semi-dedicated servers
Contact Us
- Contact us anytime by email or by using our really–fast ticketing platform. We’re going to respond within just 1 hour.