Many persons who start using their 1st web hosting account, or change companies, typically have questions regarding how given operations are carried out or bump into problems when setting up various things like e-mails, website settings, and so on. That is why, a lot of web hosting providers have compiled documentation with the most frequently asked questions and problems in order to help their clients obtain info quickly and easily. Consequently, the support team members can focus on real problems that some clients may be encountering, as the solution for the smaller things will be available on the web and clients will be able to easily fix them without touching base with the customer care staff. Having in-depth documentation is exceptionally important, especially for new users with no previous experience at all, as the web hosting service entails heaps of functions and lots of individuals can get baffled about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you complete the operations that you wish and discover how the hosting service functions in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Hosting

If you get a cloud hosting account through us, you’ll get access to our comprehensive online help documentation where you will find info about de facto everything associated with our hosting packages. The topics vary from how to create an e-mail account on your cellular phone, to how to accomplish different things using an .htaccess config file. The articles are written in an easy-to-understand way and feature comprehensive guides on how to perform a certain task within your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can also find information that’s not directly related to Hepsia, for example one that concerns Internet apps on your computer. The complete archive of articles will be available in the Help section of the Control Panel, but the ones that are dedicated to a given Control Panel section can be accessed on the spot. Given the fact that we’ve included as many topics as possible, you’ll be able to acquaint yourself with practically everything about your account.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated servers include an elaborate article archive where you can find any info that you may need about our hosting services or about the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that we’re using. We’ve prepared it on the basis of the feedback that we have gathered from our customers over the years and, as a consequence, our articles cover particular issues that you could experience and suggest the most efficient means of recovering them, for instance getting a 500 Internal Server Error message or not being able to send emails from your desktop computer although you have the right outgoing mail server settings. The articles are available in every single Control Panel section and you can browse them whenever you like. They can help you increase your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the hosting realm in general, as they include how-to instructions and general info such as what cron jobs or file access permissions are.